We are prayerfully setting the goal to hit 100% of the first-year costs of $200,000 by September 19th. This amount will allow us to purchase all the initial supplies and operate over the next year without being distracted by any financial worries. We serve a big God. There are no resources beyond His grasp, and we trust that he has prepared gospel partners to reach this goal. Pray whether God would have you steward your resources for the work in Raleigh.
Partner with us:
- Pray: You can sign up for our newsletter by accessing https://kingscrossraleigh.com/#partner Enter your name and email, check the “Praying” box, and click the “Learn More” button.
- Give: Joining our Support Team and pushing us past our Goal of $200,000 by Sep 19th. You can find out more information, make a one-time gift, or pledge for future giving by accessing this link: https://kingscrossraleigh.com/give